Model Portfolio

Oboz Trail Running Shoot 2023

Photographer: Stephen Matera

Assistant: Taylor McKenzie Gerlach

Male Model: Kevin Fisher

Behind the Scenes: We started the day in Issaquah, WA before driving 3 hours to the desert… during which time my co-model and I gladly gorged on burritos before passing out in the backseat. Upon arriving we were handed two beers and asked to pose in the trunk and pretend we liked each other. Luckily we were also allowed to drink the beer. The only real challenge was after the sun went down. It got COLD. Then the photographer got inspired and wanted to do some night shots with headlights. We ended up reshooting those a couple times because I looked too cold in the photos. In his defense, I was the one who insisted on a redo… then begged for my flannel back.

Yakima Canyon Snow Day 2022

Photographer: Stephen Matera

Behind the Scenes: Ever since I began working with Steve, we’ve been talking about doing a snow shoot together. It’s a tricky one to plan. Conditions need to be snowy, but not too snowy, sunny but not melty… sometimes the window of “prefect shoot conditions” is less than a day. Finally we made it work.

Notice the “trail” I’m running on? It didn’t’ exist before we got there. We were literally chasing the setting sun, racing up the mountain side until Steve called “here” at which point we’d quickly stamp down a good ~20 yards so I could run. At least run a bit easier considering the slippery conditions. By the end of this shoot I was beyond exhausted but so thrilled with the results.

Topo Athletic Specter Shoot, 2022

Photographer: Stephen Matera

Assistant: Dave Schiefelbein

Male Model: Andrew OConnor

Behind the Scenes:

“You free for a Photoshoot?”

“Love to, when??


To be fair, it wasn’t the day before the shoot when I got the call… it was two days. It was also one of the more hectic shoots I’ve been on. We met up at 8 am and returned around Midnight, covering multiple stops across western Washington along the way. It was so hot we ended up stopping every hour or so to grab even more cold beverages.

Camano Island Shoot, 2022

Photographer: Stephen Matera

Behind the Scenes:

The shoot started with us sneaking close as possible to a bald eagle and ended with me summersaulting over a large root. Thankfully my ankles recovered quickly and we we had the most incredible golden sunset to work with. This is so far the only photoshoot I’ve fallen badly and hopefully its the last.

Leki Trail poles Shoot 2021

Photographer: Stephen Matera

Male Model: Tim Cummings

Behind the Scenes:

Don’t you love it when a job begins and ends with a 5 mile hike?

It helps having my friend as my co-worker. Especially when getting the shot means we’re hiking down in the dark.

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